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How to use Telnet and How To Send Anonymous Mails By using Telnet

Telnet is a command of command prompt it can be use for various ways. Now i will try to explain how you can use it. And some useful trick about it.
 many peoples think telnet is only a port or telnet is a remote control tool.
Basically Telnet is a text base tool if you want to connect to the destination then write "telnet 23" without inverted commas you see at first there is the command telnet to start the telnet client, the next is the destination address and last is the port, you know the telnet port 23, so i hope now you can use telnet......!
How To Send Anonymous Mails:
First i will tell you about SMTP it stand for "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol". Here are some commands

1 - HELO [client adress or name], it marks the begin of that telnet session and sends your name or address to the smtp server

2 - MAIL FROM [your mail addie], with this command you send your mail addie to server is also written in the e-mail as sender

3 - RCPT TO [recipient], with this command you define the recipient

4 - DATA, this marks the begnning of the e-mail if the server sends an ack [ackwoledge] you can begin to write the message

5 - RSET, reset this establishs the initial stage and the connection is canceled

6 - NOOP, no operation so it means that nothing is done

7 - QUIT, this is the ending of the smtp connection

But this are only the most important commands many commands have been added in this time after the rfc has defined them

EXPN, expand with this command maillist support will be available
VRFY, verify this command requests the confirmation of the recipient address
Caused of this addition them smtp is also called esmtp which means Extended smtp
Now i will explain how to send anonymous mails by using telnet

First you have to find a free accessable smtp server. Caused by spaming many servers has secured their systems like gmx with [smtp after pop] which means that at first you have to login at pop with your username and password for your gmx e-mail addie, after that the srever saves your ip for a special time in which you can connect to smtp server to send mails, freenet uses another secured system, this smtp server denies special recepient addies, so you have to search a free accessable mail server with out such secured servers, they exists, so after you have found such a server you can write in your shell : [telnet <serveraddy> 25] then your client connects to it, here is a complete telnet session :

Connected to mail.gmx.net.
220 {mp015-rz3} GMX Mailservices ESMTP
HELO www.The-Netrix.net
250 {mp015-rz3} GMX Mailservices
MAIL FROM:LinusTorvalds@linux.org
250  ... Sender Okay
RCPT TO:BillGates@microsoft.com
250  ... Recipient Okay
354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
Operating Systems are like sex, you have the best if it is free
250 Mail accepted
221 mail.gmx.net closing connection
Connection closed by foreign host.

First your client trys to connect to the mail server, as sign that the connection is established the server answers with a command like that, then you say hello to the server with the command [HELO] and your machines name, next is another answer from server which is unimportant, after it you send your mail addy to server with the command [MAIL FROM:] followed by your addy, then the server check this addy and if it's ok he will inform you about it, next he expects the recipient and you won't let him wait with the command [RCPT TO:] followed by the addy of the recipient, if it's also ok you can start to write your mail after the command [DATA] which is followed by the ack of the server and the text or character which marks the end of the mail, then you write your mail
and end it how the server expect it, if the mail is ok the server will inform you for the last time in this session, after it there is no cause which should hold your connection so you will end it with [QUIT] and the server will send a last stupid message as sign that the connection is closed
10:45 PM

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